Britain's Preserved Railways
Britain’s Preserved Railways
The preserved heritage museum railways of Britain are thriving. There is nostalgia for the steam locomotives of a bygone era, and alongside a growing number of diesel locos and multiple units, both in use and under restoration on site, make the different lines attractive to the modern enthusiast.
This book contains information to help the reader find and enjoy these lines, including maps, mileages (miles and chains), gradient profiles and tables of locomotives and multiple units. Details of steam locomotives are covered, together with the often-overlooked ex-industrial steam and diesel locomotives.
The information provided here also includes the statuses and current liveries of rolling stock at each of the featured railways, as well as details of future plans for. Lavishly illustrated with colour photographs showing some of the best locations for lineside and station photography, this book is a vital guide for anyone looking to explore Britain’s preserved railways.
Available: NOW
ISBN: 978 1 80282 210 6
Price: £16.99
Format: Paperback, 128 pages
Author: Andy Flowers