US Air Forces in Europe: The 1980s
US Air Forces in Europe: The 1980s
The US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) rapidly expanded its presence in the 1980s, as it became the most dangerous decade of the Cold War. Most controversially, a new generation of intermediate-range nuclear weapons was deployed by both sides.
Illustrated with more than 180 images, this book examines the aircraft and bases of the USAFE. It also describes the vital support provided by Military Airlift Command’s transport and tanker fleet. The part played by Strategic Air Command’s iconic SR-71s, U-2s, and giant B-52 bombers is outlined, as is the role of Tactical Air Command, which would have rapidly reinforced USAFE in time of war.
Available: NOW
ISBN: 978 1 80282 035 5
Price: £15.99
Series: Air Forces Series, vol 4
Format: Paperback, 96 pages
Author: Kevin Wright