Classic British Motorcycles: Illustrated History
Classic British Motorcycles: An Illustrated History
From its origins at the turn of the 20th century, British motorcycle manufacturing developed to become a cultural phenomenon that lasted half a century. From the early days of motoring, British innovators led the way, building some of the world’s most famous motorcycles, and in prolific numbers too. By the late 1950s, the British were by far the largest producers of motorcycles in the world. Yet, barely a decade later, the British industry was in utter disarray, as other manufacturers from across the globe learned to compete with products that outpaced the British offering.
Illustrated with more than 150 photographs, this book explores the rise and fall of the British motorcycle industry, detailing the iconic brands and their products.
Available: NOW
ISBN: 978 1 913870 57 7
Price: £15.99
Series: Classic Vehicles Series, vol 4
Format: Paperback, 96 pages
Author: Andy Tallone