Scotland's Railways: The Last 15 Years
Scotland’s Railways: The Last 15 Years
The last 15 years have seen many changes in Scotland’s rail network, including the replacement of old rolling stock, an explosion of colourful liveries, the opening of routes, the demise of coal trains and a boom in container freight traffic. Furthermore, electrification has changed a number of the lines beyond recognition. These changes have led to new electric units ousting the diesels and the introduction of High Speed Trains on services between the Scottish cities.
Illustrated with more than 180 images, this book details the huge variety of rolling stock, present on Scotland’s rail network in the last 15 years.
Available: NOW
ISBN: 978 1 913870 25 6
Price: £15.99
Series: Britain’s Railways Series, vol 9
Format: Paperback, 96 pages
Author: Stuart Fowler