There's a Spitfire hanging off our wing tip, its propeller practically chewing off the end of my lens.
The roar of the mighty Merlin is resonating through my gut like a power drill and the slipstream from the open door is beating up what's left of me. I wait patiently for the stars to align. Sunlight begins to dance off the virtuous form of the Spitfire and without warning the ground plummets away in a vertigo inducing display of beauty to reveal a backdrop of crisp white cliffs set against an azure blue sea. Click. Mission accomplished. The shot is in the can. I remember to start breathing again. The words of John Dibbs - arguably the leading aviation photographer of his generation.
Hugely influential, his award-winning work is immediately recognised for its composition, quality and dynamism. As they say, every picture tells a story and John's portfolio is a story greater than most.
Air-to-Air is a 116-page bookazine bringing you the story behind the picture. We are used to seeing the serene images in all their majestic glory, but what goes on behind the scenes is a very different story.
For the first time, readers gain behind the scenes insight into the fascinating tales and technical details behind each awe-inspiring image. From warbirds and airliners, to cutting edge military fast jets see the world's most iconic aircraft photography like never before!